baby mumba
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Hi, I am a baby living in the forests of Mumbai, glad to see you in my hut! I saw a bigger animal in this forest - king of these forests , it seems like his name is Mumba.

We look alike and i think i can be as good as the King or surpass him if you guys will help me to become the most powerful Baby in the that Mythical forest!

So here am i, Baby Mumba! I feel the power!


10m Supply
70% Liquidity
10% Burn events
10% Team | Locked on year
5% Cex
5% Airdrop

Tax 3/3 going on Marketing
and on Prizes in our ecosystem!


Play - earn prizes and participate in token burning events! Become an important member of the project!


Complete easy tasks - earn rewards and shill your lovely project to everyone! Work for your bags and share 10,000$ prize pool!